Ray White Universal Leverages MeetUp for Real Estate Success

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New Zealand’s Largest Real Estate Group Leverages MeetUp to Connect Buyers and Sellers


Real Estate




Auckland, New Zealand




Ray White Universal, Australasia’s largest real estate group, recently built a unique 1000sqm super office in west Auckland. The custom-designed facility includes a video display wall and five video conference rooms to help their realtors run virtual auctions, communicate more effectively with buyers and sellers, and achieve better outcomes in their real estate transactions.

Marketing real estate is a highly visual process, and a giant video wall in the auction gallery composed of nine 55-inch screens delivers a visual feast. Logitech MeetUp provides interactive video collaboration to bring parties together regardless of where in the world they’re physically located. This is not only a big factor in connecting buyers and sellers, it also attracts the best real estate talent who know that better tools result in more successful sales.

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Most real estate offices haven’t changed much since the 1990s, basically operating with a photocopier and some computer screens. When Ray White Universal set out to build a new 1000 sqm super office in west Auckland, their vision included installing state-of-the-art video collaboration capabilities to help their realtors run virtual auctions, communicate more effectively with buyers and sellers, and achieve top results in dynamic markets.

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Ray White Universal recognized the power and potential that video collaboration could bring to the fast-paced world of residential and commercial real estate. But to fit their needs, the solution had to be a top performer, totally reliable, and super easy to use.

MeetUp, Logitech’s all-in-one 4K Ultra HD ConferenceCam with an ultra-wide lens and superb audio— provided exactly the right solution. No learning curve. No support required. Just sharp and clear face-to-face interaction with push-button simplicity.

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Logitech MeetUp brings people together no matter where they are, which helps Ray White Universal realtors save time, produce better outcomes, and keep the market moving. 

With MeetUp, realtors can stay focused on real estate transactions (and not technology) while achieving unmatched flexibility and results. The combination of Logitech hardware and Zoom software is helping the Ray White Universal super office turn heads in Australasia and beyond.


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